
Are Tinted Car Windows Useful?

Car window tints have become increasingly popular over the years and for the right reasons. In fact, the first thing the majority of the owners do is get their windows tinted as soon as the car rolls off the showroom floor. However, some people still question their usefulness. Let’s discuss auto window tinting in detail and why having them can be beneficial.

Protects The Vehicle From UV Rays

The biggest advantage of having your car windows tinted is protection against harmful UV rays. These rays not only damage both the exterior and interior of your vehicle but also the skin. Direct exposure to UV rays for hours throughout the day could result in medical conditions. You can protect your eyes using polarized sunglasses, but your face and skin will be exposed to UV rays. So, tinting can help with that.

On the other hand, the paint and interior of the vehicle fade as well. This might cause the resale value of your vehicle to drop if you plan to sell it in the future. However, if you were to install window tints, you will receive protection from almost every angle.

So, if your daily commute is hours of driving on the highway under the blazing sun or there is no shade for you to park the vehicle under, you definitely need to get your windows tinted.

Blocks Prying Eyes

Another significant benefit of window tints is from a security and privacy point of view. Having your windows in dark colors makes it relatively difficult for outsiders or prying eyes to see inside the car, especially if you own an expensive vehicle.

This is a crucial factor to consider if you live in an area that is prone to theft and other types of crimes. Moreover, you might have observed celebrities and other VIP personalities owning personal vehicles with dark tints.

This helps them keep their privacy, without anyone knowing who is sitting inside. Otherwise, it could put their life at risk.

Keeps The Upholstery From Fading

The upholstery of your vehicle is the most expensive and valuable item inside. If you want to keep your vehicle for as long as possible, you will need to keep its interior in tip-top condition. The best way to protect it is by getting the windows tinted.

As mentioned earlier, direct exposure to the sun can damage the color and the material. If possible, try parking your car in the shade or inside the garage even if it is for a few minutes.

In addition to that, if you also want prevent your car’ exterior from fading, invest in a paint protection film. It’ supplied to the entire body of your car and it protects it the paint from the elements. Expect it to last for 7-10 years if you choose a high-quality PPF and get it from expert paint protection film installers Springfield.

Offers Shattered Glass Protection

While privacy and security are one thing, safety is another. A lot of people are not aware of the fact that window tints also have a safety factor to them. Window tints are designed to prevent the glass from shattering in case of an accident.

This prevents shattered pieces of glass from flying everywhere and causing serious injuries, especially if your kids travel with you on a daily basis. Additionally, thieves will also find it difficult to get inside the car since shattering the windows is going to be a bit difficult.

Night Drives Are A Bit Difficult

Now that we have discussed the advantages of window tints, we must share some disadvantages as well. The first is that window tints can make night drives a bit difficult. If you haven’t had window tints before, it will take some time for you to get used to window tints while driving at night.

Window tints can easily make visibility around the vehicle difficult. This could be not only dangerous to you but to other drivers on the road as well. To prevent such risks, you should consult the law and get the right percentage of tints installed.

Installation Is Difficult

The biggest drawback concerning window tints is installation. Not only is the installation complicated but the entire lifespan is dependent on it. Believe it or not, the only thing that directly impacts the lifespan of a tint film is the tint installation technique.

There have been many cases where vehicle owners opted for high-quality films but ended up picking an amateur for the job. As a result, the film needed replacement shortly after due to cracks and bubbles.

Therefore, if you intend to tint the windows on your own, you will need practice and skills. If it’s your first time, there is a huge chance you end up damaging the windows. So, it would be better if you choose a professional for installation.

Of course, it is going to cost you but not more than replacing the tint after a month or so.

How To Tint Car Windows?

To tint the windows, the first thing you will need to do is be calm and patient. Next, grab a squeegee and solution to wet the film as well as the windows. Then, wash and clean the windows ensuring there is no dirt and dust left.

Once you have done that, measure the window and cut the film accordingly. Then, spray the solution on the window and the film. Place the film on the window and position it accurately. Finally, use a squeegee to remove the excess solution.

Grab a hair dryer and let the tints cure for a while. Keep in mind that curing is the most important step of the process. Curing is the time it takes for the tints to stick properly to the windows. This could vary depending on the weather conditions.

If the weather is cold, the curing process may take a few days or weeks. However, if it is hot outside, the curing process should not take more than a day at most. In the meantime, do not roll up or down the windows.

How To Choose The Perfect Tint For Your Car Windows?

Choosing the perfect tint can be difficult considering the types and tint percentages. The best tip any expert can give you is to define the purpose first. Getting your windows tinted for medical reasons is different than improving your privacy.

Once you have decided on that, the next thing you need to choose is the percentage. Depending on the state, you may or may not be required to acquire a permit if the percentage you desire is considered illegal by the law.

And when it comes to picking the best type, you should go for ceramic window tints. These are the most expensive in the market but also offer all the benefits mentioned previously. Ceramic window tints can offer the best of both worlds by protecting you and your vehicle against UV rays and offering security and privacy at the same time.


Window tints are useful if you are looking for privacy, security, and protection against harmful rays. However, choosing the right percentage and type is equally important. Although, the tips mentioned above will surely help you do that but always make sure to choose a good car window tinting shop Springfield for installation to make the best out of your investment.

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